CAMDEN Accessible Playground

With the rebuild completed, there is a need for funding to be rebuilt to pay for upkeep of this very special playground. There are several ways you can help out, if you wish:

1-----One way to donate is to use the account at any Johnson Bank in Wisconsin. Just make sure when you make the donation, you include on the check, CAMDEN Playground. Direct deposits may also be made to:

Johnson Bank
CAMDEN Fundraiser
2021 E. Holiday Dr.
Janesville, WI 53545

Donations can be sent to any Johnson Bank in Wisconsin, Inform bank to deposit money in the CAMDEN Fundraiser Account.

2-----CHECK WITH THE CITY OF JANESVILLE, CULLEN SLAPAK REGARDING THIS EVENT TO MAKE SURE IT'S STILL GOING ON BEFORE SENDING IN MONEY. You can buy a picket, this is an ongoing fundraiser and won't end until the entire fencing system is filled with personalized pickets. The brochure is on the "fundraiser" page. Each picket is $50 and you can put up to 21 letters & spaces on each picket. If you'd like to join the Picket Line, send your money to:

Johnson Bank
2021 E. Holiday Dr.
Janesville, WI 53545

Picket Sample:


We had benches available, but those were all sold, and can be seen down at the playground. Production Grinding and Machining (PG-M), a steel welding/fabrication shop located in Brodhead, WI, created custom benches for the playground. We'd like to thank Fritz Wenger, owner of PG-M for all his hard work.